Whereas 97% of scientists (not climate)worldwide agree that climate change is the most serious threat to ecosystems and to human and non-human existence on this fragile Earth, and since the State of Texas faces increased climate disaster from inevitable climate change, bringing property losses, economic chaos and most certainly, threats to human health, from floods, wildfires and drought;
Whereas the 2015 U.N. Paris Climate Conference failed to achieve an agreement adequate to stem temperature rise, as seen by the fact that the pledges of the 177-member signatory countries will result in a 3-temperature-degree rise, rather than the scientifically-mandated goal of two degrees and lower;
Whereas the 2015 U.N. Paris Climate Conference also took no action to force global corporations to acknowledge their roles in climate chaos, or agree to cuts which did not rely heavily on corrupt corporate-backed strategies like offsets, often shown not to result in promised emissions cuts;
Whereas top climate scientists around the world have decried the results of said Climate Conference, and our most respected climatologist, Dr. James Hansen, the former director of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (for over 30 years) and de facto leader of the world’s climate scientists, has called Climate Conference Actions actions “b.s” and a “fraud;”
Whereas it has been proven that the oil and gas extraction industry has indeed lied to the public for decades, failing to acknowledge that they knew their activities to be detrimental, slowing global response to the increasing danger of climate change, directly causing disruption in global climate and putting our children and grandchildren at risk;
Whereas such a threat to our Earth represents a true emergency, in that food and water shortages, climate disruption, extreme weather events and other disasters will follow, bringing about waves of refugees, sociopolitical chaos and international conflict, now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the Texas State Democratic Party