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Don't Look Up!


We hope you will view the excellent, funny, entertaining and very disturbing new climate film Don’t Look Up with Jennifer Lawrence, Leonardo DiCaprio and Meryl Streep. Here is a trailer.


Don't Look Up recently recorded the biggest week of views in Netflix history, nearly 40 million hours more than the next nine most popular shows.  After working 14 years on climate, we agree with its depiction of the ways the media and politicians trivialize climate. One good example among many others is that Biden, after returning from the November Glasgow COP 26, signed a bill authorizing the largest auction of Gulf of Mexico drilling permits in our history.


George Monbiot, one of the very best climate journalists with decades of involvement, writes about Don’t Look Up in this recent articleHe focuses on the media, writing that after returning from Glasgow in a TV interview, he broke into tears because the shallowness of the interview was so disturbing. Monbiot shared that he now cries most days.


Promising New Texas Vaccine

for Low-Income Countries


Peter Hotez, who led the effort at Houston’s Baptists hospital, is a real hero along with all those who have risked their lives serving in hospitals ICUs during the pandemic. He and his colleagues have developed a vastly cheaper vaccine which is being distributed in countries including India. This vaccine is not subject to patent and intellectual property laws that some pharmaceutical companies are using to prevent mRNA vaccine distribution to poorer countries. Read more about Hotez's team here.


Voting Rights Struggle


A century after women won the fight to be able to vote, and decades after the sacrifices made by John Lewis and Martin Luther King Jr., among many others, to guarantee voting rights to people of color, our right to vote and to have that vote counted, is at great risk. There can be no action on climate unless all Americans have the right to free and fair elections. Please read on for the latest news on this issue. We must win this struggle at the core of democracy. If we find ways all of us can help win this very important struggle we will let you know.


The Guardian: Why are US voting rights under threat and how is the filibuster related?


Democracy Now: Biden and Harris Visit Georgia, Calling on Congress to Pass Voting Rights Bills


What We’re Doing, and How You Can Help

The Texas Drought Project was formed in the fall of 2008 when we worked on the first big US climate bill called Waxman-Markey. In the following years, we did much-need climate education and then a series of large successful campaigns

In anticipation of COP26 in Glasgow, we have made a strong push to get people to call, write, and email 6 targeted Texas Democrats in hopes of pushing them and Biden to act boldly for the climate.

We need only $2500 per month to sustain this critical push to our last best chance for a safe future.  Any donation of $100 or more will be matched!