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Black History Month

Black history is America's history. The narrative of Black people in the U.S. reveals more about who we are as a country—our difficult past, our painstaking movements forward towards justice, and our persistent racial wounds that we refuse to heal—than the sanitized history that children learn in our school systems. The omission of this narrative is not only harmful for Black people, it is harmful and dangerous for the entire country. Without a common foundational understanding of our nation's racial history, we cannot possibly begin to step progressively into a future of racial reconciliation.

Monica Peek, MD


The uprising of Black Lives Matter has somewhat faded into the background but the problem of systemic racism hasn't. You might start considering engaging your faith organization, community group and friends in a dialogue about these issues and what they can do in terms of education and mobilization. We can put you in touch with relevant groups in your part of the state.


The Latest in Environment News

Our climate future isn't yet set in stone, but each and every one of us needs to consider what we can do in terms of education and mobilization before we are only witnesses to our future. Contact us for educators and groups in your city about these issues. Email us at or call us at 512-203-8858 if you want to explore your options.


What We’re Doing and How You Can Help

The Texas Drought Project was formed in the fall of 2008 when we worked on the first big US climate bill called Waxman-Markey. In the following years, we did much-need climate education and then a series of large successful campaigns.


In the wake of COP26 in Glasgow, we have made a strong push to get people to call, write, and email targeted Texas Democrats in hopes of pushing them and Biden to act boldly for the climate.


We need only $2500 per month to sustain this critical push to our last best chance for a safe future.  Any donation of $50 will be doubled and any donation of $100 or more will be tripled!