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Happy Giving Tuesday!


It’s Giving Tuesday, and we hope that you’ll donate generously to our cause today. We’ve brought you news on climate and other timely issues, from extensive coverage of COP 26 to solutions to the COVID pandemic, to events right here in Texas of which you might wish to be a part. We hope we’ve helped you understand the complexity of issues—now we need YOU to help us. Please donate and be as generous as you can on this Giving Tuesday.


All Giving Tuesday Donations will be Tripled!



Alyssa, Josh & Jere


The Latest COVID Variant: Omicron


You’ve likely heard that the highly-mutated COVID variant, Omicron, is spreading throughout the world. It could be the most dangerous variant yet. As we’ve said before, if the U.S. and other first-world nations will aid in getting vaccines to Africa and other poor countries, we can stop the spread of new, possibly more lethal variants. If we don’t—we’ll face this scenario again and again. 


You can help stop the pandemic!

Please read on and make a couple of very simple phone calls.

We need our leaders to step up!  If you're in Dallas, El Paso, or Houston, please call the congressional switchboard at 202-224-3121 and ask to speak with your favorite Democratic representative to tell them to support the End the Pandemic Now resolution - put our lives before the profits of Big Pharma!


"I’m calling to ask the congressperson to please cosponsor the End the Pandemic Now resolution.  It was introduced recently by Reps. Schakowsky, Doggett, Castro and others.  Americans will not be safe from dangerous new COVID variants until the world is vaccinated and the pandemic is ended globally."


Please call the following congresspeople at 202-224-3121:

  • Dallas: Collin Allred, Marc Veasey, Eddie Bernice Johnson
  • El Paso: Veronica Escobar
  • Houston: Sylvia Garcia, Al Green, Sheila Jackson Lee

If you're in San Antonio or Austin, please ask for Rep. Castro or Rep. Doggett to say Thank you for sponsoring the End the Pandemic resolution - thank you for saving lives!


To read the full resolution, click here.


Our next ENEWS will have important and hopeful

information about Fee and Dividend.

Hope is vital now with the failure of Glasgow COP26.