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In Memoriam


In the last six weeks, two prominent Texas organizers whose tireless and skillful work inspired and touched the lives of many died from cancer.  They will be missed by friends, families, coworkers, and thousands of people whose lives they changed!


Wes Sims

Farmer and Texas Farmers Union President

1936 - 2022

Danny Fetonte

TSEU and CWA Union Leader

1950 - 2022




Every year, the UN holds a meeting attended by nearly 200 countries which try to come up with a climate plan that might pull us back from the brink of a calamity. This meeting is called COP (Council of the Parties).  Last year, it was in Glasgow Scotland where well over 100,000 activists from around the world demonstrated on the streets demanding change.


This year, however, COP was held in a tourist resort in Egypt, a country ruled by an authoritarian government which suppresses dissent.  Activism was significantly decreased, and over 600 lobbyists from the oil and gas industries registered to attend - a number greater than attendees from any single country.  Here are some of the biggest stories from COP27.


What We’re Doing and How You Can Help

The Texas Drought Project was formed in the fall of 2008 when we worked on the first big US climate bill called Waxman-Markey. In the following years, we did much-need climate education and then a series of large successful campaigns.

In the wake of COP26 in Glasgow, we have made a strong push to get people to call, write, and email targeted Texas Democrats in hopes of pushing them and Biden to act boldly for the climate.

We need only $2500 per month to sustain this critical push to our last best chance for a safe future.  Any donation of $50 will be doubled and any donation of $100 or more will be tripled!