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Make that call - the next two weeks are critical to our future!


The UN Climate Conference in Glasgow - called COP26 - starts in just two weeks!  We need to push our representatives in Texas to tell Biden and his climate team that the US must do more!


To our friends in Austin

  • Please call the office of Rep. Lloyd Doggett, 202-225-4865
  • Thank him for his support for the Green New Deal
  • Strongly urge that he accept meetings with members of local climate groups and the Texas Drought Project
  • Tell him that we must work to strengthen the administration’s stance on climate at the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow

To our friends all over Texas

  • Please call the White House comment line at 202-456-1111
  • Strongly urge Biden to make very strong commitments to action at COP26 including cutting our emissions in half by 2030

In the News


Major climate demonstrations in D.C. ahead of COP26

Climate change's effects on young people

Capitalism is at the root of climate change

The world's poor and vulnerable

What the world will look like in 2050 if we don’t cut carbon emissions in half

Answers to your questions on COP26


What We’re Doing, and How You Can Help

The Texas Drought Project was formed in the fall of 2008 when we worked on the first big US climate bill called Waxman-Markey. In the following years, we did much-need climate education and then a series of large successful campaigns.

We need only $2500 per month to sustain this critical push to our last best chance for a safe future.  Any donation of $100 or more will be matched!