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Today, six media giants control what we watch, read or listen to...


Any sense that we are benefiting from objectivity, true investigative reporting, or unbiased scientific thought should be put aside, because we are at the mercy—on the internet, on tv, on newspapers both in print and online—of these companies. They are part of the same corporate special-interest lobbying as are their fossil-fuel counterparts, out to escape paying taxes and any other corporate responsibility, only interested in what benefits them.


They range from major telecommunications giants like AT&T, which owns the right-wing One American News Network and CNN, to Comcast, which owns NBC and its offshoots, and Universal Pictures, among many others. No wonder any discussion of climate change might be limited, or censored entirely, because the goal of these corporations is, always, to obtain more power, to expand, to sell products to a greater audience. No wonder the truth is often in short supply.


Read on for a look at how little truth reaches our screens, and why.


News on the News


Six corporations control most of U.S. media, and consolidation is only making it worse...

Climate change is not receiving adequate air time...

New outlets are not covering the machinations of the fossil fuel industry weakens current legislation...

...but despite a lack of information, more Americans think the government should do more on climate change...

...and Americans are catching up to the science on climate change, polling shows.


In Austin This Week:

Who’s behind Prop. A?


Austin Early Voting is open Oct 18th - Oct 29th. Final voting will be on November 2nd. Please inform yourself about all the other issues, but especially Prop A which, if passed, would force the city to spend $590,000,000 on more police, while funds for

firefighters, paramedics, parks, libraries and more would have to be cut.  VOTE NO WAY ON PROP A!


Make that call:
The next two weeks are critical to our future!

The UN Climate Conference in Glasgow - called COP26 - starts in just two weeks!  We need to push our representatives in Texas to tell Biden and his climate team that the US must do more!

The ask

  • Call your representative and leave a quick message with their aid or voicemail
  • Thank them for their support for the Green New Deal
  • Tell them that we must work to strengthen the administration’s stance on climate at the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow.  This is our last best chance!

The targets


What We’re Doing, and How You Can Help

The Texas Drought Project was formed in the fall of 2008 when we worked on the first big US climate bill called Waxman-Markey. In the following years, we did much-need climate education and then a series of large successful campaigns.

We need only $2500 per month to sustain this critical push to our last best chance for a safe future.  Any donation of $100 or more will be matched!