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Scientists have issued their most dire warning by far regarding Climate Change, and we now know that the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow is the last realistic opportunity for the nations of the world to deliver on necessary emissions cuts before the deadline of 2030. We have waited far too long, and now is the time we must act.


The Guardian: Major climate changes are inevitable and irreversible, warn scientists


Indeed, it’s time for us all to act. We’ve done it before, completely transformed our society with one goal—to defeat the forces out to destroy our world. In the article below, they were the Nazis; now, they’re greenhouse gas emissions and the companies which refuse to take responsibility for destroying the planet. We can’t listen to the naysayers, because political failure is really just a failure of the imagination. And we have no time to waste on failure, we must succeed.


The Guardian: Think big on climate: the transformation of society in months has been done before


It’s time for YOU to act!


First, please call the WHITE HOUSE COMMENT LINE at 202-456-1111 right away and leave a message saying that we MUST take action NOW!


President Biden’s domestic climate plan is far from adequate—it doesn’t end fracking or coal mining, and it’s on a pace to grant more drilling permits than Trump did, so how can we trust that his efforts in Glasgow won’t be inadequate too? Let him know that we DEMAND adequate emissions cuts, we DEMAND adequate changes to energy policy, we DEMAND action. NOW.


And don’t forget to contact these members of Congress! Let them know that you need their help ensuring that the message coming from President Biden and his team at Glasgow must be the strongest stance on climate ever taken by U.S. representatives—we must lead on climate and take action to cut emissions.

  • Austin – Lloyd Doggett – 202-225-4865
  • Dallas – Eddie Bernice Johnson – 202-225-8885
  • El Paso – Veronica Escobar – 202-225-4831
  • Houston – Sheila Jackson Lee – 202-225-3816
  • San Antonio – Lloyd Doggett – 202-225-4865, Joaquin Castro – 202-225-3236


And yes, we can do it.

We’ve saved our world before.

We can do it again – with your help!



What We’re Doing, and How You Can Help

The Texas Drought Project was formed in the fall of 2008 when we worked on the first big US climate bill called Waxman-Markey. In the following years, we did much-need climate education and then a series of large successful campaigns.

We need only $2500 per month to sustain this critical push to our last best chance for a safe future.  Any donation of $100 or more will be matched!