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COP26: Days 1 & 2


The three articles below exhibit what the U.S. and other wealthy nations are trying to showcase as accomplishments at COP 26. Don’t be fooled. Our leaders call for “fixing leaks,” which is what methane reduction amounts to. But where those leaks occur—in fracking—has not only not been limited or ended—the Biden administration has issued thousands more drilling permits. And neither methane reduction nor ending deforestation can deliver the necessary emissions cuts.


We can’t be fooled by the show—we need substance at COP 26. Arresting global warming can only come about by cutting carbon dioxide by ending fossil fuels, and we must work towards that goal.

Methane reductions, not carbon cuts, could be COP26's legacy

On Tuesday, leaders of more than 90 countries will sign the U.S./E.U.-sponsored Global Methane Pledge.


Over 100 global leaders pledge to end deforestation by 2030

More than 100 global leaders late on Monday pledged to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation by the end of the decade.


Biden unveils new rules to curb methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from oil and gas operations

The new regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency and other agencies arrive as President Biden presses other nations to cut their emissions at COP 26.

Other News from COP26


Climate-vulnerable Countries Speak Out—“We are not drowning, we are fighting” is their rallying cry.

Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, president of the Maldives, said at COP26: "I have no choice but to keep on repeating it. What will it take for you to listen to us?"


Many Voices from the Global South might go unheard as Vaccine Mandate Limits Participation

Many of those who planned to participate in COP 26 have been unable to do so because of UK vaccine mandates and unavailability of the vaccine in their own countries.


Monbiot: Capitalism is killing the planet

Humanity must prioritize saving the planet


Wealthy nations bring talk of action to COP 26, but what will they accomplish?

Too many nations of the world have heard promises from rich countries before. Will they deliver the much-needed cuts in time?


China not coming to Glasgow

Neither China nor Russia are coming to Glasgow, despite (or because?) or being responsible for 1/3 of the world’s emissions. India, responsible for more emissions than the EU, is making its first pledge to cut emissions to net zero, but by 2070 rather than the necessary goal of 2050.


Supreme Court Might Limit Power of the EPA

Could such a ruling limit the ability to implement fee-and-dividend, a possible strategy should COP 26 fail to deliver? How will the threat of this ruling limit Biden’s ability to negotiate?


The Dirty Dozen

Calling out biggest emitters in the U.S., the villains in the battle against climate change.  Will they be held accountable?


What We’re Doing, and How You Can Help

The Texas Drought Project was formed in the fall of 2008 when we worked on the first big US climate bill called Waxman-Markey. In the following years, we did much-need climate education and then a series of large successful campaigns

In anticipation of COP26 in Glasgow, we have made a strong push to get people to call, write, and email 6 targeted Texas Democrats in hopes of pushing them and Biden to act boldly for the climate.

We need only $2500 per month to sustain this critical push to our last best chance for a safe future.  Any donation of $100 or more will be matched!