There are solutions to many of the problems climate change is bringing to our world–some of them simple, some complex. In this section, we highlight one of the most significant–the shift to renewables.
Embracing renewables in Georgetown, Texas: Why renewables make good business sense
Denton, Texas, aims for 70% renewable energy:
Koch Brothers are out to destroy solar and wind
Solar can’t be stopped!
Citigroup Says The Age of Renewables Has Begun
Citigroup has hailed the start of the “age of renewables” in the United States, saying that solar and wind energy are becoming competitive with natural gas
Debunking the myth about the inadequacy of renewables
Continued deployment of renewables is a better solution than we think
American solar power broke records last year
Eleven percent of total global installations of solar are now in America
Conservative heavyweights have solar industry in their sights 20140420,0,7412286.story#ixzz2zZTeDykm Political attacks from the likes of the Koch Brothers will become more commonplace as solar becomes the new villain